CRSW Credentialing in NH

How do you become a Certified Recovery Support Worker (CRSW) or Certified Recovery Coach in NH?

First and foremost, in the state of NH the term Certified Recovery Coach does not exist. If you went through a Recovery Coach Academy you are a Trained Recovery Coach. Should you wish to pursue a state certification/credential you will need to follow the criteria set for Certified Recovery Support Worker (CRSW) licensing below.

Here are the documents you will need to navigate your way through the credentialing.

– To understand the requirements to become a Certified Recovery Support Worker Requirements read the NH ALC300 Laws – the CRSW information beginning on page 4, specifically 303, 304 and 305 rules, ALC300Laws for CRSW in NH

Please NOTE: The rules have changed effective March 13, 2023 and thy are signifcant changes, Specifically, you want to review the below sections:

  • 303 eligibility and requirements
    303.03 is training requirements
  • 304 applying for a CRSW
  • 306.01 rules applicatoin
  • 313 rules contains supervision and
  • 313.04 additional material to be submitted page 34
    313.05 practical training hours page 37
    313.09 supervision hours application page 40
  • 414 Reinstatement
  • 400 Rules, ongoing requirements


Be sure to check out this webinar addressing frequently asked questions, and sponsored by Community of Practice. For all past recordings of webinars for NH Center for Excellence Community of Practice, and to register for future recordings, visit Here.

Steps for submitting the application:

Prior to submitting your application for CRSW, it is highly recommended you take the exam. The exam process can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months.

  • Complete your application for the exam and send it in to the Board with your check for $115.00.
  • In two-three weeks you should receive an email from the exam company giving you instructions to select your date and location.
  • At this time, when you schedule your exam date and location you can opt to take the practice test for $30.00. This is the only time you have this option.
  • Upon completing the exam you will be given preliminary results and they may tell you to wait for your official results before submitting them to the Board. This is NOT necessary. You are free to proceed with your application process. When you submit your CRSW application, the board will pull your exam results automatically.

NEXT: When you have all of your training, 500 hours and supervision complete prepare your packet to mail into the board which will include:

  • Complete CRSW application prepared
  • Copies of all of your training certificates
  • Supporting letters for criminal records/ arrest restoration and rehabilitation
  • 2 Passport photos
  • $110 must be a separate check
  • Background check application or receipt with a check for $48.25 separate check.

Just prior to mailing in the CRSW application:
Download and schedule your appointment for your criminal record check.

Call the State to schedule an appointment for fingerprints. You cannot use any other fingerprints or background checks. It MUST be a new background check. To make an appointment call 223-3867.

Upon completion of that appointment, send in the Background check application with the check attached, with your CRSW application.

The state only has 30 days after your appointment to request the results from the background check. If you don’t plan this out timely, you’ll have to do another background check which is why I say have all your stuff ready to mail in after your appointment.

In a couple of weeks, you will receive an email to schedule your test date and location site.

Supervision Rules and CRSW Code of Ethics

ALC 400-500- Rules Adopted July, 2018

CRSW Application Process Forms

The Four Domains

Candidate Guide for IC & RC Exam

CRSW Exam Study Guide created by an organization in Rhode Island

NH Board of Licensing for Alcohol & Drug & Other Drug Use Professionals

Practice exams are available for this exam, through IC & RC. Please visit this link for more information on exam practice exams.

Once the new rules are released, they will be posted here.

Should you have any questions, you can contact the licensing board:

Office of Professional Licensure and Certification
Philbrook Building
121 South Fruit Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603)-271-6761
Fax: (603) 271-6702